Idées AgExpert Comptabilité

Bank rec- Ability to sort columns and be able to click on an entry to bring it up to edit it

A customer expressed frustration using our bank rec tool. They were previously using Analyst. When they switched to Accounting they noticed a few things that really hampered their workflow.

1) The first is that they need all columns to be sortable by ascending or descending order, especially the deposits and withdrawals column. This is because their bank statements are organized by deposits and withdrawals, and so having to jump around the bank screen is very time consuming for them.

2) Analyst had an option where you could click on the audit # of the entry and it would bring it up in an edit window. This is extremely valuable and time saving. Presently to edit an entry you have to close everything, go to sales\purchases\ and click on it there, and for people with poor internet this simple task can take +5minutes. What would be great is to have a hyperlinked audit # that one could click on, edit the transaction, save it, and still have the bank rec. window open.

Thank you!

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  • Jan 18 2023
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